Nasi Kandar Padang Kota @ Mydin, MITC Ayer Keroh

If you ever find yourself at the Mydin Mall of Malacca Internation Trade Centre, be sure to keep you eyes peeled for a certain Nasi Kandar Padang Kota located within the premise. Though bearing a name derived from a particular location in Penang (where nasi kandar is rather well received), it's not exactly a branch hailing from the renown nasi kandars based in Penang. But despite its shortcomings in terms of picking a name for itself, the place compensates by providing more than adequate Indian Muslim dishes.

True to their name, among their many dishes on the list of items served within the premise, their nasi kandar is the highlight when patronizing this food outlet. From a variety of dishes to choose from, whether it be chicken -fried or braised; mutton or beef, prawns, fishes or octopuses, all cooked with either curry gravy or fried, as well as a selection of assorted vegetables (to cater to vegetarian patrons), customers can have their pick of their dish of the day.

Their curry in general, is rich and nicely balanced in terms of overall fragrance and taste. At this Nasi Kandar Padang Kota, the usual combination of nasi kandar dishes that many opt for would be between a selection of having a piece of succulent fried chicken, a curry of your choice (beef or mutton, pick your poison) and vegetables, allowing for a rather well-rounded meal.

And to wash it all down, the nasi kandar is best accompanied with a hot cup of teh tarik (tea with condensed milk). But of course, if rice is not your thing, their noodle dishes are worth looking into as well, not to mention their bread items inclusive of roti canai, thosai, naan and the likes.