Steamboats. What is it that pops up in that mind of yours when someone mentions to you that word? Is it the fact of cooking your own food with people you know with? Or the soup base choices you can cook with? Or maybe the simple fact of getting together with friends and family? Deep in the roots of culture, steamboats have been known to fit those three attributes mentioned. However let’s face it, not many have steamboats on a regular basis. Usually, people have it on special occasions – birthday celebrations, a nice family dinner or maybe even a company event.
Situated in Georgetown, not too far away from the ever so popular Gurney Drive, this humble seafood restaurant can tick many boxes. Upon arriving, one is greeted with oriental style exterior and similar on the inside. Do plan ahead though, if you plan on visiting, as the place can get quite busy during peak time and parking can also be a hassle to come by. To match the theme of the restaurant, the seat settings are wooden which gives the place a cosy yet elegant dull oriental feeling, resembling old times. However, dullness does not mean it is bad, it has bright lighting around to compensate.
While here, one can choose between a few choices of soup bases. The old duck soup (direct translation) and their tom yam soup is worth the try. If those two are not your thing then the herbal soup is definitely worth the try. It is made with water chestnut and corn, which gives it a natural sweet and aromatic taste. The dry griddled meat with spices should also be given the green light to.