Pisang Goreng @ Amisah binti Abu Melaka

Pisang Goreng Amisah binti Abu definitely opted the right name to showcase the main highlight of their business. They are indeed a humble roadside stall which sells mouth-watering pisang goreng. Due to their stall being by the roadside, however, it should come as no surprise that their downside is a lacking of dedicated parking spaces available. Despite the fact their location is found in the rural areas of the city, they are well recognised - particularly by the locals - when it comes to the ever delightful pisang goreng. Even on a regular day, they are always flooded by individuals queuing up for takeaways - particularly in the evenings, as people typically buy them to-go on their way home from work.

Nonetheless, you may skip the hassle of queuing and make your pit stop here instead just like how their regulars usually do, as they have a contemporary dining area provided. Just so you know, the pisang goreng here is made with battered pisang nipah, which is known to be one of the best types of bananas ever tasted - even more flavourful when it is deep-fried to a glorious golden brown and dipped into a homemade sweet and spicy chili sauce! For a more enjoyable meal, do request for the extra scraps or leftovers of the remaining batter that has been deep-fried.

As side note worth mentioning, they made a wise choice in serving cendol as a matching dessert to complement the hot and humid weather in Melaka which can get rather bonkers at times. Besides the aforementioned snack and dessert, they also serve curry puffs. If you’re not opposed to dining along the roadside, look no further than this pisang goreng stall - your taste buds will thank you (and us)!

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Every day

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