With a convenient location in Chinatown, CalleVerde has been known to serve delightful Pinoy pastries and a homey meal. You will find a mixture of traditional Pinoy food, familiar Western favorites and unique dishes that features both cuisines.

They have a variety of rice meals for you to choose from - Bangsilog, Bistek Tagalog, Chicken Adobo, and so many more. Bangsilog is a short combination of bangus (milkfish), fried rice and fried egg. It is commonly served with a side dish of fresh tomatoes or cucumber. 


Another rice meal you should try at Calleverde Cafe is the Bistek Tagalog. It is considered a Filipino version of a Western beef steak. It is usually flattened with a meat tenderizer tool, cooked in coconut vinegar, soy sauce, lemon and garnished with caramelized onion rings. This dish is hearty, tasty and perfect with steam rice. 


 Chicken adobo is one of the many variations of the Filipino adobo. Like its pork counterpart, this chicken version is made by braising the meat in a mixture of soy sauce and vinegar. Onions, garlic, peppercorns, and bay leaves are added to amp up the flavor. It is not uncommon for cooks to add a small amount of sugar to balance the salty and tangy profile of the dish with a hint of sweetness. This is the super classic Filipino stew. Serve with a generous amount of steamed rice, this is truly a very satisfying meal.


Ube cake (Filipino purple yam cake) is unlike any other cake you've tried before. It's sweet, and very pretty! It's a staple dessert for any Filipino celebration. This cake is moist, fluffy and delightfully flavored with ube. This cake is the perfect snack/ dessert for anytime of any day. 


Avocado ice cream is a fun and unique way to enjoy your favorite nutrient-rich avocados. No greens or other fruits needed to create this beauty; it's just pure, creamy, delicious avocado goodness. Every bite is heaven on a spoon. 


This cafe is the sister outlet of Petaling Jaya's The Narra, which has cultivated a reputation for being one of the Klang Valley's premiere venues for a full-blown Filipino feast. Service exudes the warmth and hospitality that are part of the Filipino culture!