Corus Hotel's Hot Kitchen was designed to bring to the community local food cooked by their well-trained chef. Everything in the menu of Hot Kitchen is up for delivery, based on the current travel restrictions.

They're providing vegetarian and non-vegetarian options for your choosing. Let's take a look at their vegetarian options first. We have here, their Vege Mee Siam and Vege Asian Fried Rice among other choices. 

For non-vegetarian choices, there's some of the classic local delights such as Nasi Kukus, Prawn Mee, Grilled Ayam Percik, Butter Chicken and so on.

Their Nasi Kukus is really one of the local delights that simply reminds you of the kampung life, where the simple things make you happy. Served with ayam berempah, this well-made dish is simple yet satisfying.

Another classic local is their Ayam Percik - grilled and served with their gravy. This dish is crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, with so much flavour on the meat and gravy.

Butter chicken, seems like a simple dish but in actuality isn't. Yet, Hot Kitchen is able to make a balanced taste profile with the curry leaves and chilli, paired with a thick enough gravy on top of crispy chicken cutlets. 

Operating Hour

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

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