Nestled within the market place of Ayer Panas, this particular food court houses quite an array of traditional local good eats and with set alongside the morning market, where activities pick up as early as 7 o'clock in the morning, the premises provides a myriad of breakfast fare to accommodate both hungry shoppers and passersby.
In essence, with the various food vendors catering to different kinds of delicacies, patrons need not worry in case they feel sceptical of the allotted choices of food fare here. However, amongst all the existing food stalls, there is one particular stall which garnered quite the attention all day long, from start til finish, dawn til noon, coming in the form of a humble wantan mee stall. And for good reason.
Utilising freshly made -homemade, mind you; egg noodles as the noodle base, this particular rendition of the soy-sauce based noodle dish is nothing short of a culinary delight. Tossed together with a concoction of light soy sauce after being blanched repeatedly in hot and cold water, the resultant all-too-springy noodle is coated with a delectable dark sauce which glistens enticingly. Garnished with a healthy amount of Char Siew slices, the dish entails a savoury flavour with a tinge of sweetness when patrons partake in this hearty breakfast fare.