Best Otak-Otak in KL

Written by Updated ago

The mere mention of Otak-otak and the visual picture of perfectly steamed and moist fish custard wrapped with banana leaves often sets us mouthwatering. Otak-otak is a classic Nyonya dish brightly flavored with various aromatic herbs, exotic spices, and infused with the sweet fragrance of rich coconut milk. The fish paste is wrapped in banana leaf parcels and then either steamed or grilled on a barbecue. The latter version has a nice, smokey flavour. Otak-otak actually means ‘brains’ in Malay, because of the springy, almost squishy texture of the cooked fish cake. Yum! delicious! So without further ado, here is a list of the best Otak-otak in Kuala Lumpur, just for you!

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    Nyonya Colors Halal a81b201f94b2180a29928950eefa06850871fc85c2ba8fcb39753bdbcdfb49cfCertified

    The otak-otak here comes in a dainty banana leaf package, whereby you could consume in two to three bites. It is topped with chopped red chillies and an abundance of shredded Kaffir lime leaves that gives it a nice fragrance. Steamed coconut milk curds are scooped around the otak-otak to give it a creamier texture. It certainly delivers a punchy kick with a saltier taste. 


    Made with fresh ingredient Old school Nyonya heritage ambiance

    Things to expect

    Sold out very rapidly No preservation is used

    Best with

    Variety of traditional delicacies


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    Nyonya Colours @ The Gardens View restaurant

    LG 230A, Lower Ground Floor The Gardens Shopping Mall, 59200, Mid Valley City, Kuala Lumpur
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