Best Pizzas in Subang Jaya

Written by Updated ago

Living in Subang Jaya and craving some delicious cheesy goodness on a crispy thin bed of crust? Crave no more for the best pizzas in Subang as we showcase them here! Try them out and comment on your thoughts! See an outlet u think should be on the list? Let us know and we’ll send people to review your chosen outlet!

Rankings of all participants as visible on our listings are solely voted by you, our beloved readers. With that said, we would encourage you to please vote for your preferred participants in order to ensure their rightful positions ranking-wise on our portal. Thank you!

  • #4

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    Closed Now

    Wood Oven Pizza

    Up for some Neapolitan pizza from Italy? This is the right place to be as they serve fresh authentic Nepals pizzas and handmade their own mozzarella cheese, ricotta and mascarpone cream custard to give you the best of Italian pizza. Do try out their Smoked Beef & Rocket and Spicy Shrimp Garlic pizza, definitely worth your money. If you're a sweet tooth, get their Nutella and Strawberry pizza for desserts.


    Observe their Italian way of making pizza

    Things to expect

    Simple & Casual interior

    Best with

    Fresh Lemonade


    RM15.00 to RM32.00

    Featured image

    WOP - Wood-fired Oven Pizza View restaurant

    1-08-1, Presint Alami, Persiaran Akuatik, Pusat Perniagaan Worldwide 2, Seksyen 13, 40100, Shah Alam, Selang0r
    View in Google Maps


    Closed Now
    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
    Saturday, Sunday
    Saturday, Sunday
    More info
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    Dear readers, please note that our listing as you currently see it is/are all the participant(s) in which we discovered. Feel free to give us a buzz if your favourite place is missing! Thanks!

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